Our Values
At IPSEN LOGISTICS, the customer has first priority. We take care of you. Individually, intensively and solution-oriented. Your questions and your problems during the transport of your goods are our focus. Individuality, efficiency and creativity determine our actions - for you! We are reliable, trustworthy and transparent.
IPSEN LOGISTICS - Your partner for handling your transports
Customer satisfaction is the focus of our actions. As a globally active all-round logistics service provider, we operate in a field of tension between differentiated customer requirements and complex framework conditions for the implementation of our services. For this reason, ensuring an internationally reliable high level of quality is a central concern.
For this reason, we introduced a quality management system in accordance with ISO standards back in 1995, which we are continually developing. Actually we work on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standard.
On the basis of clearly defined processes and standards, optimally organised workflows and close communication with the customer, we guarantee punctuality, product safety, an attractive price/performance ratio and reliable compliance with legal regulations at national and international level.
At the same time, we offer the necessary flexibility to be able to respond to customer requests at extremely short notice. Quality management is managed and monitored centrally for the entire Group. In this way, we guarantee the same high standards at all our locations.
Employees are the heart of a company. Accordingly, the safety of our employees is a central requirement of our corporate actions. With a health and safety organisation that identifies and implements occupational safety measures, carries out annual occupational safety instructions and provides occupational health care to employees, we ensure safety at the workplace.
In awareness of our responsibility for the environment, we follow the precautionary principle while dealing with environmental problems. We work intensively on logistical processes that are environmentally friendly and follow the principles of sustainability.
Reliability and trustworthiness are key priorities for us when it comes to interacting with stakeholders inside and outside the company. The guideline is our company-wide binding code of conduct.
We support the United Nations Global Compact Initiative.
IPSEN LOGISTICS is a logistics service provider operating on a worldwide basis and in contact with a broad international public. Hence, we are not isolated, but surrounded by customers, suppliers, staff and the society in general. Being a reliable, trustworthy partner and living up to this standard every day is our key to success. For us, it is essential to combine solid economic performance with correct and dependable conduct.
In order to realize this claim and to make it measurable and predictable for our partners IPSEN LOGISTICS has set up a Code of Conduct for the company and its staff. This Code of Conduct defines the company’s principles and standards to be met by management and staff worldwide with reference to their responsibility for the individual and the environment. Through their personal behavior whether on the job or in their private lives, each staff member contributes to the reputation of IPSEN LOGISTICS. In this respect, managers serve as a role model. When implementing this Code of Conduct, national particularities shall be respected as long as they do not contradict our basic principles. Compliance with national law is a prerequisite. IPSEN LOGISTICS supports the Global Compact Initiative of the United Nations by including its principles in the corporate culture as well as the daily business.
Human rights
IPSEN LOGISTICS supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. Moreover, we make sure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses. We respect national customs and the freedom of religion as well as social and cultural rules.
Labor standards
The company upholds the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining without involvement of government agencies. IPSEN LOGISTICS advocates the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. We condemn all forms of child labor and stand for its effective abolition. IPSEN LOGISTICS does not tolerate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, especially when based on gender, age or descent. This applies to external conduct, but even more so within the company. Each and every staff member is entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect. Sexual harassment or workplace bullying are prohibited.
Environmental protection
IPSEN LOGISTICS supports a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. We encourage initiatives promoting environmental responsibility. We advocate the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. We are making intense efforts to develop logistic processes which are environmentally friendly and based on the principles of sustainability.
Anti-corruption policy
The company opposes corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion. Any benefits or gratuities to public officials or to members of their families are generally prohibited as long as they do not comply with local laws and regulations. Invitations, e.g. to business dinners, may be accepted or extended as long as they are reasonable and consistent with business practice and there is no expectation of any reciprocal consideration. The same applies to the acceptance or offer of gifts and any other form of benefits.
Lawful conduct
IPSEN LOGISTICS expects lawful conduct from all staff, suppliers and business partners. We inform all staff of applicable regulations and provisions. IPSEN LOGISTICS follows national and international law in all decision-making and consideration processes.
Health and safety at work
IPSEN LOGISTICS is perfectly aware of the employer’s responsibility for the health and safety of all staff. Consequently, we take precautions to avert accidents as well as occupational diseases and to reduce risks. We have implemented appropriate steps for limitation of damage in the event of accidents. Our staff’s safety and right to physical integrity have top priority in our entrepreneurial activities.